A user-defined surface shape is one of the most complex types of nodes that can be implemented within Maya. A number of supporting classes are required, and a number of virtual methods must be properly implemented to get your class working right with the various parts of Maya. The goal of this article is to break down the process of creating the shape into manageable chunks, and to provide details of each step of the process so that you can make good design decisions as you decide how and what to implement for your custom shape.
We will start by discussing the motivation for user-defined shapes. And continue step-by-step by adding the methods used to support drawing, selection, components, manipulation, history, sets and deformation. At each step we will show the minimum needed to implement each level of functionality so that you can decide which level of complexity is appropriate for the particular type of shape you want to implement. As we add virtual methods to our shape, we will discuss the purpose and the circumstances under which the methods are called. This paper also covers some related areas such as deformers, sets (groupParts, groupIds), and tweaks. See this previous article for more details.
In conjunction with the post, I have provided a number of example plug-ins. These plug-ins demonstrate the shape implementation at various stages: draw/select, settable components, manipulatable components, etc... The shape represented in all of these plug-ins is extremely simple à a 4-point line segment sometimes drawn as a hermite curve. The goal of using such a simple, immediately understandable shape is that we didn’t want the details of the shape type to obscure details of the implementation of the node itself.
MPxLocatorNode vs. MPxSurfaceShape
Two classes can be used to implement a shape within Maya. The most basic is the MPxLocatorNode class. If your shape needs to support only drawing and selection, it is best to derive from the MPxLocatorNode class. The MPxLocatorNode class is derived from the same nodes as Maya’s internal locator (crosshair) node.
The Maya Developer’s Toolkit includes an example MPxLocatorNode called footPrintNode.cpp. This example shows that deriving from MPxLocatorNode is quite straightforward. Typically, the only virtual methods that need to be overridden are:
- MPxLocatorNode::draw()
- MPxLocatorNode::boundingBox()
- MPxLocatorNode::isBounded()
The draw implementation typically would contain OpenGL calls to draw the shape. The boundingBox and isBounded methods allow Maya to determine whether or not your object is within the camera’s view. When the object is not within the view, the draw method will not be invoked.
Selection of nodes derived from MPxLocatorNode works automatically based on the implementation of the above three routines. When the mouse click/drag falls within the bounding box returned by your shape, Maya invokes the draw method using OpenGL selection to determine whether the shape has been selected.
If you want your shape to include any of the following, more advanced capabilities, you must instead derive from MPxSurfaceShape:
- Component selection or manipulation
- History operations
- Sets
- Deformers
Introduction to MPxSurfaceShape
As a learning tool, we begin our look at the MPxSurfaceShape class by implementing the same functionality as an MPxLocatorNode using the MPxSurfaceShape class. In other words, this section covers what is needed to implement drawing and selection without components for an MPxSurfaceShape.
An example plug-in implementing this level of functionality has been provided with the post in the folder called curveDrawSel. This example plug-in simply draws a non-editable 4-point line segment, and is extremely similar to the footPrintNode in its capabilities.
The Developer’s Toolkit for Maya has an example MPxSurfaceShape example plug-in called apiMeshShape. One improvement to note in the curveDrawSel plug-in over the apiMeshShape is that we use OpenGL selection rather than simply saying that the shape is selected any time a selection occurs within its bounding box.
The UI class: MPxSurfaceShapeUI
An MPxSurfaceShape cannot be implemented as a single class in isolation. Instead, for any MPxSurfaceShape that is implemented, a corresponding MPxSurfaceShapeUI class must also be implemented. The duties of the UI class are drawing and selection. The MPxSurfaceShape node class performs all other shape-related operations.
The MPxSurfaceShapeUI methods that must be implemented are:
- MPxSurfaceShapeUI::getDrawRequests()
- MPxSurfaceShapeUI::draw()
- MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select()
Maya documentation covers the motivation and usage of these methods, and can be found under Developer Resources: API Guide -> Shapes -> Drawing and Refresh.
The shape node class: MPxSurfaceShape
Now that the UI class is handling drawing and selection, the only required methods within MPxSurfaceShape are:
- MPxSurfaceShape::boundingBox()
- MPxSurfaceShape::isBounded()
These methods are called by Maya to determine whether or not to invoke your node’s selection and drawing methods based on the view frustum of the camera.
If you simply want a shape to draw itself and be selectable, use the MPxLocatorShape as your base class. Doing the same thing with the surfaceShape class wasn’t a whole lot more difficult, but we had to use 2 classes instead of one, and we had to implement 2 new methods (select and getDrawRequests) to implement functionality that is handled automatically for the locator shape.
On the plus side, we have more flexibility. If we wanted to do some alternative tricky implementation of select rather than OpenGL select, the surfaceShape class does allow this sort of customization while the locatorShape does not. But the main reason to derive from MPxSurfaceShape is so that we can expand our shape to add component handling.
Component Handling
In this section, we add basic component handling to the shape. The example plug-in for this section is provided in the folder called compCurveDrawSel. Here we add support for customizing the shape of the curve by specifying the component locations using the setAttr command. We do not yet allow the user to select or move the components, only to specify their locations using setAttr or connections.
The component attribute
The first decision to be made is how we want to represent the components within the node. In this example, like the existing apiMeshShape.cpp example, we will store the components in the same attribute as some existing Maya shapes: the “controlPoints” attribute. The controlPoints attribute is inherited from the “controlPoint” node type – one of the base classes of MPxSurfaceShape. The controlPoint node is also a base class of Maya’s nurbsSurface, mesh, subdivSurface, nurbsCurve and lattice shapes. The nurbsSurface, nurbsCurve and lattice types all make use of the “controlPoints” attribute. Meshes use their own attribute to store vertices because of an architectural decision to use floating point rather than double storage.
Attribute documentation from the
controlPoint node’s controlPoints attribute.
The reason for storing the control points in an attribute is threefold. First, because the individual xyz components are numeric attributes, the attribute can be animated and connected to other numeric attributes. Second, the Maya file format is organized around attributes, and the controlPoints attribute data is saved to file. The third reason is simply consistency. All the other shape nodes within Maya store their points in a similar manner.
Internal shape data
We could implement our shape by storing the controlPoint data solely in the datablock of the plug-in node. The setAttr and getAttr commands will get and set data directly into the datablock by default. If we did store the data solely in the datablock, each time the draw method asked for the points, our code would use an MArrayDataHandle to get the value of the controlPoints attribute from the MDataBlock. For such a small shape as the curve in our example plug-in, these operations would not be very expensive. However for a large shape with many controlPoints, accessing points from the MArrayDataHandle class can be rather tedious.
In addition, many shapes have more information per component than solely the position. You may want to store per-vertex tangency or connectivity information. For this reason, many shapes within Maya choose to store their control point position data separately from the datablock (for example in a geometry data attribute or in an internal class member).
We chose to store our shape data as an internal member of the node class. At this stage of our example, our shape data can consist simply of an MPointArray. We call it fCurvePoints and store it as a member of our node class.
In order to transfer the values that the user sets or connects to the controlPoints attribute into our MPointArray class member, we implement the virtual method setInternalValue. We take the data passed in and place it into our internal array. We also call
MPxSurfaceShape::setInternalValue (plug, handle);
from our override of setInternalValue. This call puts the controlPoint data into the node’s datablock in addition to storing it in our MPointArray class, and means that we do not need to implement getInternalValue. Instead, if anyone (such as the getAttr command) asks for the value of the controlPoints attribute, it will be handled by the DG, and will retrieve the value from the datablock. Alternatively, if storage space was an issue, we would not need to place the controlPoints into the datablock at all. In this case, we would implement getInternalValue to retrieve and return the appropriate value from our internal MPointArray.
One other detail is necessary to keep our shape on screen up-to-date when the controlPoints attribute is keyed (or is given some other input connection). We need to change the method called from our UI class to retrieve the points. We add the 2 lines shown below in bold:
void compCurveDrawSel::points(MPointArray points) { MDataBlock block =forceCache (); block.inputArrayValue (mControlPoints); points.setLength (sCurvePointCount); for (unsigned ii =0; ii < sCurvePointCount; ii++) points.set (fCurvePoints [ii], ii); }
This is only necessary when there is an input connection to the controlPoints attribute because of how dirty propagation and evaluation work within Maya. In other words, when the user does a “setAttr” MEL command on the controlPoints attribute, the data will be set immediately into the node and setInternalValue will be called. However, when there is a connection to the controlPoints attribute, our node will be marked dirty dirty, but setInternalValue does not get called unless our node asks for the controlPoints value. When the controlPoints value is requested, it will be dirty and will trigger evaluation of the connection. The addition of the above 2 lines to the points method accomplishes the evaluation, and will cause setInternalValue to be invoked, thereby updating the fCurvePoints to the proper value.
The bounding box, an optional performance improvement
Our shape is now controllable by the user, so its bounding box is variable. That means we need to improve our bounding box handling. The boundingBox method is called quite frequently -- each time the window refreshes. Therefore, we don’t want to have an expensive calculation inside the boundingBox method.
To address this, we will add 2 attributes to our shape representing the 2 corners of the bounding box. We make these attributes affected by the controlPoints attributes so that they will be marked dirty when the controlPoints are modified. These are output attributes, so we implement a compute method that calculates the boundingBox based on the location of the controlPoints.
Now, when the boundingBox method is called, it retrieves the bounding corners from the datablock of the node. If the bounding corners are not dirty, this is a very fast operation that simply references into the datablock. If the corners are dirty, compute will be invoked to recalculate and set the bounding box.
In this section, we simply added support for user-settable and animatable control point locations. We didn’t have to change our UI class at all. However, we did end up implementing 2 new virtual methods (setInternalValue and compute) and adding attributes to our node to improve the performance of our bounding box calculation.
Manipulation of components
In this section, we will add the ability to select and move individual components or sets of components using both the manipulator and the move/rotate/scale commands. The example plug-in demonstrating this additional capability is in the folder called compCurveMovable.
Adding support for component motion is a lot of work. This section covers the methods and the additional class required, their purpose and when they are called from Maya.
The transformUsing() method
The transformUsing method is called from the transformation MEL commands such as move, rotate and scale. It is also called from the transform-related manipulators such as translate, rotate and scale manips.
virtual void transformUsing ( const MMatrix& mat, const MObjectArray& componentList, MVertexCachingMode cachingMode, MPointArray* pointCache );
Part of the complexity of the transformUsing method is related to undo. The transformUsing method is called during both the original transform command and during undo. During the initial command, the cachingMode will be set to “save”. In undo, the cachingMode will be restored.
During manipulator use, the cachingMode will be set to “save” initially, and “update” subsequently. Undo of manipulations will have the cachingMode set to “restore”. These settings can be better understood if we consider the motivation. Imagine the user starts moving an object using the translate manipulator. In a single mouse drag, the screen will refresh multiple times and the object will be transformed in small increments by the many calls to transformUsing method. If the user then hits “Undo”, Maya wants to restore the object to its original location in one operation, not multiple calls to the transformUsing method.
One thing to note about our implementation of the transformUsing method is that we have implemented it to transfer the motions directly into our class’s internal shape data (fCurvePoints). One by-product of this is that it is now possible for our internal data to be out of sync with the controlPoints attribute. The manipulator links itself to the controlPoints attribute, and it needs to be able to query the controlPoints attribute for the proper location of the point. Therefore, we need to implement getInternalValue for our node.
The getInternalValue() method
Typically you’ll implement getInternalValue for your node at the same time as you implement setInternalValue. In the last chapter, we explained why we were able to avoid implementing getInternalValue. Now there is no way to avoid it. With the addition of transformation support, getInternalValue is required to keep our node working right. The reason is that since transformUsing does not go through setInternalValue, the transformation data never goes into the datablock. We implement getInternalValue so that it returns the requested values from our internal fCurvePoints into the supplied handle argument.
The componentToPlugs() method
When a transform manipulator is used on selected components, they call the componentToPlugs method to learn which plugs on your shape node correspond to the selected components. The manipulator will query these attribute values when it is determining where to draw itself.
This method is also called when a command such as the setKeyframe command needs to determine where to connect new animationCurves when a selected component is keyframed.
Iterator Support
Manipulators in Maya require iterator support on shapes. This means that you need to add an additional class, derived from MPxGeometryIterator. The following three virtual methods also need to be added:
- geometryIteratorSetup
- acceptsGeometryIterator(bool)
- acceptsGeometryIterator(MObject&, bool, bool)
If you are writing multiple user-defined shapes, you may well be able to share the same iterator class amongst your shapes, although that will depend somewhat on how you store the data within your shape class. If each shape has a very unique data structure, it will probably make more sense to have a separate iterator for each type of data.
How you design your iterator will depend on your class itself, and what it needs to support. As the seminar continues, we will be enhancing the iterator. For this example, it is satisfactory to simply make the iterator store a pointer to our shape, and loop through the shape’s points. The primary thing to consider when writing your iterator is that it should not rely on any data that could be destructed while the iterator is using it. For example, if geometryIteratorSetup is invoked with readOnly = false, then you can expect the setPoint method to be called more than once. Be sure that nothing in your implementation of setPoint could cause the data held onto by the iterator to become stale.
The UI Class
The UI class needs to be enhanced to support drawing and selection of the individual components separately from the shape itself. This means expanding the getDrawRequests implementation to handle the case where the 2nd argument (objectAndActiveOnly) is false.
void compCurveMovableUI::getDrawRequests ( const MDrawInfo & info, bool objectAndActiveOnly, MDrawRequestQueue & queue );
When objectAndActiveOnly is false, we will create and add an additional drawRequest to the queue corresponding to the point components of our shape. If any of our components are active, we also create a drawRequest for them.
When components are drawn, our draw method will now get called more than once. We modify our draw method to use the MDrawRequest::token() method to determine what should be drawn.
When the user selects in component mode, our select method needs to be able to handle it. In component select mode, our shape will be hilited, and we use this as a cue to determine whether or not to check for selected points.
The matchComponent method
Having implemented all of the above, your node already supports the selection tool and the transformation manipulators. But what if you manually enter the select or move command and pass it a string that corresponds to your vertices? The matchComponent method is used by Maya to create a component corresponding to a string typed in by the user.
Simple History Support
The next modification we will make to our shape is to support “simple” history. By simple history, what we mean is that we are going to modify our shape so that any node that outputs a data of type “vectorArray” can be provided as input to our node. The figure below shows an example where we’ve connected the particleShape’s position attribute into our curve node’s inputSurface attribute.
The particleShape position drives the
location of the curve’s points.
By referring to this as “simple” history, we are distinguishing it from more advanced types of history covered in the next chapter such as deformer support and support for component sets with history (groupParts nodes).
Two forms of input: history and tweaks
The trickiest part of basic history support on a shape is that there are now two sources of input for the position of the shape’s components. Positions may be coming from the history attribute. In addition, the user can make “tweaks” to the points, i.e. select and move them around or animate their position. This data comes in as before, through the controlPoints attribute. As a node designer, you must make a decision how you want to combine the history data with the tweak data.
In writing this example shape, we chose to implement tweak handling in the same manner as Maya’s internal shapes (nurbs, meshes, subds, lattices). These nodes all treat tweaks as relative when the shape has history, and absolute when the shape does not have history. The benefit of this approach is that the tweaks made by the user can be combined with the input history even when the history is animated.
Adding tweaks on sphere: radius=1 Modifying history: radius=1.5
An alternative approach would be to store the tweaks as absolute, regardless of whether the shape has history. However, that would mean that when the history changed, the tweaked points would need to either:
- lose their tweaks to follow the history, or
- stay at the position defined by the tweaks, ignoring the new history
Keep in mind that tweaks can be animated/connected as well, so resetting the tweak attribute values on the fly as the history changes is not really an option unless you want to prevent connections to them when there is history. In the long run, how you implement your shape depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
Shape Input Data
Thus far in our example plug-ins, we have stored the shape data as a simple type, MPointArray. In continuing this example, adding support for history might seem like the appropriate time to switch our data to a more complex type, derived from MPxGeometryData. Indeed, if we want to support component sets and deformers, we must store our geometry data as an MPxGeometryData type. However, at this stage in the example, we want to demonstrate the use of internal Maya data types as the history attribute, so we will continue storing our data as an MPointArray, and define our inputSurface attribute to accept data of type MFnData::kVectorArray.
The example plug-in
The example plug-in for this chapter is in the folder called compCurveSimpHist. There is a MEL script in the folder called compCurveSimpSetup.mel which creates the curve and attaches it to a particle shape. If you run the setup MEL script and push play, you can see the curve points move along with the particles. You can select points on the curve and tweak them to see how the tweaks interact with the history.
Adding the input surface attribute
The most obvious requirement is that we now need an input surface attribute. As mentioned before, we are using an input data type of MFnData::kVectorArray for the inputSurface. The inputSurface affects the boundingBox, and we will make it an internal attribute, so that any time we evaluate it, we can transfer the values from the input data into a local data member we’ll call fInputPoints.
When we add the input attribute, it is also useful to override the virtual method:
MObject compCurveSimpHist::localShapeInAttr() const;
This method is called from a number of places such as:
- the attribute editor, when it builds its related node tabs
- the channel box when it builds its “Inputs” list
- the delete construction history operation (delete –ch MEL command)
Handling relative vs. absolute tweaks
The other primary job to be done to support history is to put in our history-dependent handling for tweaks.
Internal Data
Our previous implementation of the shape had only one piece of internal data: the curve points in absolute space. Now we will instead store 2 pieces of data:
- fCurvePoints (the history plus the tweaks)
- fInputPoints (the history)
We could store a third array with the tweaks, but instead we will store the tweak data directly in the datablock. There is no obvious advantage or disadvantage to storing it in the datablock, but it does serve as an example of a different way to store the data. You can decide how you want to store the tweaks in your own node.
setInternalValue and getInternalValue
We modify these virtual methods. They already had handling for the controlPoints attribute, but we modify them so that when the shape has history, the data will go directly to the datablock.
We implemented transformUsing in the previous chapter. Its responsibility is to tranfer motion from transform commands/manips into the shape, and it bypasses setInternalValue. Since we are storing our tweaks in the datablock when there is history, we need a way to transfer the motion from transformUsing into the datablock. We add a utility method called updateControlPoints to do this, and call it from transformUsing when there is history.
Getting the points for drawing/boundingBox
When we are asked for the bounding box or need to draw the points, we want to make sure we always have the most up-to-date representation of them. We add the lines shown below to our boundingBox method and our points method:
if (fHasHistory) { block.inputValue (inputSurface); applyTweaks (block); }
If the history has changed, inputSurface will be dirty, and the call to inputValue will invoke evaluation and a call to setInternalValue to make sure our fInputPoints are up-to-date. The applyTweaks method will then add all of the tweaks from the datablock to the fInputPoints.
The mHasHistoryOnCreateAttribute
One of the attributes we inherit from the base class is the “mHasHistoryOnCreate” attribute. This is an internal attribute which you can use to your advantage if you want to know during file IO whether your shape will have history or not. This is useful because during file IO, connectAttrs always come after setAttrs. So when setInternalValue gets called for the controlPoints attribute and you want to have different handling for history vs. non-history, you can’t simply look for the connection to see if the shape has history or not. By implementing setInternalValue and getInternalValue for “mHasHistoryOnCreate” we are able to know during file IO whether there will be history on our shape.
Because there are several places in our node where we want to know whether or not there is history, we also add overrides of the virtual methods
- connectionMade
- connectionBroken
This allows us to set a boolean flag indicating whether or not there is history. This way of storing whether there is history is optional, but checking this flag is quite a bit more efficient than checking for input connections to the inputSurface attribute.
Until now, all of our previous examples have been fairly cut and dry. If you wanted to make a user-defined shape with movable components, you basically have to follow the basic plan outlined in chapters II-V. Where the creativity and design on your part really starts coming into play is when you start adding support for history. The implementation presented here is one way to go, and closely mimics how shapes inside of Maya are implemented.
Deformer Support – Background Info
The term deformer refers to any type of node derived from the base class “geometryFilter”. Examples of deformers are lattices, clusters, nonlinears, and MPxDeformerNodes. When you add a deformer to a shape, a number of things happen:
- The shape is copied. This copy of the shape is called the “intermediate object” and is placed in the history of the shape. (Subsequent deformers will reuse the existing intermediate object. New copies will not be added.)
- a set gets created to store the components affected by the deformer
- a tweak node is created to store subsequent tweaks made to the shape
- the deformer node and any related auxiliary objects are created
A typical dependency graph set-up including deformers is shown below:
Hypergraph view of deformers in
the history of a shape
At the far right, pSphereShape is the deformed shape node. At the far left, pSphereShapeOrig is the intermediate object. The intermediate object is typically hidden (unless you disable its intermediateObject attribute), and is at the head of every chain of deformers. It serves as a storage place for the original undeformed positions of the shape.
In a typical deformer chain, shape data flows out of the intermediate object and then flows through each of the deformers. In this example, the deformers that are traversed are tweak1, cluster1 and ffd1. In this example, only a single shape flows through ffd1. However, most deformers can operate on any number of shapes since the input and output geometry attributes of the deformer base class are multis. The two exceptions to this rule are skinClusters and the wrap node. Because of implementation details, the skinCluster and the wrap node can operate on only a single geometry. Additional geometries connected to the skinCluster and the wrap will be ignored.
Sets on shapes with history
Each deformer is associated with a single set. It will deform only the points that are included in its set. If you add points to a deformers using the sets command, the deformer will automatically be wired up to the construction history of the shape. Similarly, if you remove points from a set, the deformer will stop acting upon those points.
Most sets in Maya are composed of only a single node: the objectSet node. However, component sets in Maya are different. Component sets are stored within the shape data rather than within the objectSet node. The set is connected to a groupId node per shape, and a groupParts node per "construction-historied" shape. If you look at the history of a shape in the hypergraph, by default Maya will hide the groupParts and the groupId because they clutter the view and are not of interest. If you turn on display of "auxiliary nodes", the groupParts and groupId will be drawn.
Hypergraph view showing the groupParts, groupId and objectSet node for an ffd
deformer. Note that the tweak node was deleted from this shape's history in order
to make the figure less cluttered.
The groupId node is simply a means of storing an id that is unique within the scene for fast look-up of the membership of the set within the shape's list of sets.
The groupParts node stores component sets for shapes with construction history. This is because as the shape data flows through the history, it may change its numbering. Component lists are stored using the vertex index and some construction history nodes modify the vertex numbering - for example, "polySplit", "deleteComponent", etc. Because the groupParts is in the construction history, it remains immune to the vertex numbering changes. It receives the shape data before the vertices are renumbered. This architecture has proved useful for certain poly modeling operations.
Tweak Nodes
A tweak is the name given to translations of vertices on shapes in Maya. Shapes without construction history are able to add tweak deltas directly into their vertex position data. However, shapes with construction history need to store the tweaks as deltas that get added to the shape data coming in through the history attribute.
When a deformer is added to a shape in Maya, we do lot of work to prevent tweaks from existing on the shape. Why? In the previous chapter, we discussed how shapes store tweaks as relative moves which get added to the history. The example below shows how such a relative tweak would get added into a smooth skinned surface.
Left: Salty the seal's
initial state.
Middle: Salty's nose was
tweaked (think Pinocchio).
Right: The neck joint is
rotated, causing the skin to deform. The tweak does not get deformed since is
added after the deformation.
In the above picture (left), the user has skinned the seal shape to a skeleton so that rotating the various joints creates a smooth skinning deformation. In a later plot twist, Salty is beset by a strange Pinocchio-like spell. The user needed to make Salty's nose grow, and accomplished this by translating a few vertices over in X. For this example, there is no tweak node, so the vertex deltas are stored on the shape node. It all looks ok until we rotate the neck. Now since the tweaks get added after the skinning deformation, the deltas move the nose vertices over in X even though Salty's nose is no longer aligned with the X-axis. In order for Salty to rotate his head successfully, we need the skinning algorithm to act on Salty's tweaked nose, instead of having the tweaks act on Salty's skinned nose.
To address this issue, whenever there are deformers in the history of a shape, a tweak deformer is created automatically and inserted at the front of the deformer chain. If the shape being deformed had existing tweaks or animated CVs, the tweaks & animation are moved onto the tweak node. Otherwise, the tweak node is left empty until the user grabs some cvs and moves them (or keys them). New tweaks are also added to the tweak node (unless the user manually deletes it, in which case we revert to the old behavior).
Deformer Support – Implementation
In this section, we’ll present the changes necessary to upgrade our example plug-in so that it will support deformers. The example code referred to here is in the directory called compCurveDeformable. To try out this shape, use the MEL script compCurveDefSetup to create this shape. Then add some deformers to your shape, and move some vertices around.
Geometry Data
In order to support either sets or deformers, it is necessary for the shape-related attributes on the shape to be geometry data. You could use one of Maya’s internal geometry data types, such as mesh data. Or you can write your own type of geometry data derived from MPxGeometryData. For the purposes of this example, we created our own data type, compCurveData. The data itself contains a simple MPointArray. When implementing your own type of data, you need to implement a number of virtual methods to support file io, geometry iteration over the data, copy, and set creation.
Inside our example plug-in, you will see that we have gotten rid of all of our internal data (fInputPoints and fCurvePoints). We are now storing all of our data in the datablock in the geometry attributes described next.
The change from storing the data internally as a class member to storing it in a data type required a lot of small changes to the code. Basically every place where we were using fInputPoints, we now use the point array that is stored in the data for the input shape. Every place where we were using fCurvePoints, we now use the point array stored in the data for the cached shape.
Geometry Attributes
Any deformable geometry requires at a minimum the following three attributes:
- input shape
- cached shape
- local output shape
- world output shape
The input shape is where history gets connected into your node, as in the previous example. The cached shape is the input shape plus the tweaks – generally treated to be your node’s private storage place. The local and world output shape attributes give other nodes the ability to connect downstream from your shape’s data. The world output shape simply bundles the world matrix of the shape with the local shape data. The shape data itself is still in local space.
Geometry Attribute Overrides
4 virtual methods should be implemented to return the attributes corresponding to the above 4 attributes:
- localShapeInAttr
- cachedAttr
- localShapeOutAttr
- worldShapeOutAttr
Of these attributes, 2 are outputs and required us to add to our existing override of the compute method to handle our 2 new outputs.
These attributes are used in commands that want to know about history/future shape attributes on your node. For example, the listHistory command will utilize these methods to find the history or future (listHistory –future) of your node. When a deformer is attached to a shape, it connects to the attribute returned by the worldShapeOutAttr of the intermediate object and to the localShapeInAttr of the deformed object.
Overrides required for set support
Three methods must be added to our shape to support the creation of sets of our components:
- match: This method is used by the set creation code to determine whether the selected component type is valid for inclusion in a vertex-restricted sets. Since deformer sets must be vertex-restricted, your shape must override match to specify that its control point components satisfy the vertex restriction.
- createFullVertexGroup: This method is used by the set creation code when it wants to create a set containing all of the control points in the entire shape. An example of when this would occur is if you select your shape as an object (rather than as in component-mode), and create a deformer. The deformer’s set would contain all of the vertex components of your shape as defined by the createFullVertexGroup method implementation.
- geometryData: This method is used by the set creation and editing code to access the geometry data. Set information for components is stored with the geometryData.
Tweak node support
You must override the tweakUsing method to support movement of controlPoints on shapes with tweak nodes in their history. The tweakUsing method is fairly similar to the transformUsing method, but it allows the tweaks to be transferred to the tweak node rather than directly into the shape data itself.
Writing a custom shapes is not trivial. However, if you start simple, and then add more details, it’s not so difficult. We recomment that you build up your custom shape piece by piece and get each part of it solid before you proceed to the next. Hopefully the example plug-ins and material presented in this article will provide a good starting point for this process.
I'm extending OpenMayaMPx.MPxLocatorNode. How do I know when the node is selected, please?
Goal is to draw lines with different color when selected.
Posted by: Martin Karlsson | October 17, 2012 at 02:16 PM
Hi Martin,
We posted a utility (with source code) recently on http://labs.autodesk.com/utilities/ADN_plugins in case you want to see a full sample (LocatorLib utility).
All is done in the draw() method, something like this:
void locatorLibBase::draw (M3dView &view, const MDagPath &path, M3dView::DisplayStyle style, M3dView::DisplayStatus status) {
view.beginGL () ;
if ( (style == M3dView::kFlatShaded)
|| (style == M3dView::kGouraudShaded)
) {
// Push the color settings
glPushAttrib (GL_CURRENT_BIT) ;
if ( status == M3dView::kActive )
view.setDrawColor (13, M3dView::kActiveColors);
view.setDrawColor (13, M3dView::kDormantColors);
myShadedDraw () ;
glPopAttrib () ;
myWireFrameDraw () ; // Draw the outline of the locator
view.endGL () ;
The ( status == M3dView::kActive ) will tell you if it is selected or not, and like above you decide what colors you want.
Now this is for the legacy viewport. If you also want to support the Maya Viewport 2.0, you need another class and do something similar again. So you would need to derive an additional class from the MHWRender::MPxDrawOverride class and use the draw()' MHWRender::MDrawContext argument.
Hope that helps,
Posted by: Cyrille Fauvel | October 18, 2012 at 11:33 PM