Although the API is marked as obsolete, it is the easiest way to get a screenshot from Viewport in Maya and many plug-ins are still using it.
But if you are trying to get a MImage from Viewport 2, you may have some problem with your previous Python code like this.
import maya.OpenMaya as openmaya import maya.OpenMayaUI as openmayaUI view = openmayaUI.M3dView.active3dView() img = openmaya.MImage() view.readColorBuffer(img)
This code will not work because in Viewport 2, the image is stored as float and the default format of MImage is BGRA byte.
The solution is simple, make MImage a float image. Replace the last line above with following code snippet.
if view.getRendererName() == view.kViewport2Renderer: img .create(view.portWidth(), view.portHeight(), 4, openmaya.MImage.kFloat) view.readColorBuffer(img) img.convertPixelFormat(openmaya.MImage.kByte) else: view.readColorBuffer(img)
You will get a BGRA byte image in the end like the old time:)
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