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July 27, 2016


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James Rowell

Hi Cyrille - I'm wondering if you've had any luck building pyqt for maya2017 yet? Your notes for prior versions of maya are indispensible! Looking forward to seeing this round when you get time. Cheers - James.

Leon Rosengarten


I was working on a maya 2016 and when 2017 came out I began porting my work to 2017 due to the fact that it uses qt5 which has built in features that I need.
Straightaway I ran into a lot of issues that come from deep inside qt itself (e.g. QString::toStdString function causing crashes,
Workaround: use call .toLocal8Bit().constData() instead) .

Another issue is with the qt examples, they worked fine for qt4 but there are some breaking changes that make them bad reference point for develops e.g.:

Using QPointer to store the pointer to the plugin window will cause memory access violation due to major change in QPointer implementation in qt5, the following is from Qt docs:
Note that Qt 5 introduces a slight change in behavior when using QPointer.

"When using QPointer on a QWidget (or a subclass of QWidget), previously the QPointer would be cleared by the QWidget destructor. Now, the QPointer is cleared by the QObject destructor (since this is when QWeakPointer objects are cleared). Any QPointers tracking a widget will NOT be cleared before the QWidget destructor destroys the children for the widget being tracked."

the workaround so far is to use QSharedPointer.

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The Authors
Cyrille Fauvel Lanh Hong Cheng Xi Li
